The Zipper is a light and fast unit, the fastest unit in the game along with the Tango. It is built to quickly rush an enemy outpost to neutralize and occupy it before formidable defenses are built.
- Fast moving and spammable, works well as a distraction.
- Can quickly neutralize outposts and then occupy them with Runners that spawn upon death.
- Quicker to build than even most Infantry.
- Is very weak to anti-light units, and is susceptible to AoE.
- Does very little damage to heavy units.
- Can only shoot ahead of itself; like buster, it must rotate its entire chassis to aim.
Good Loadouts
- Can function as both a light unit and infantry.
- Must be supported with heavier tank units and Anti-Air once an outpost is taken by them.
The fastest vehicle in the game, the Low-cost, High-speed Zipper can preform a good deal of support functions.
On offense, the low build time and cost can make it easy to spam against enemy lines, and the cheap price and low build time make it simple to replace any zippers that are lost.
Zippers help when assaulting outposts. Zippers have an 80% chance to spawn a Runner infantry when killed, making Zipper a good choice as support when fighting outposts. If your zippers are killed off, they're likely to spawn Runners, which can quickly take the slots in a freshly-neutralized outpost. Zipper's don't deal a lot of damage and have low armor, so make sure that you're fighting outposts with something else, along with your zippers.
For Defense, the quick build time means you can build many in a a short time to help fight off attackers that are harassing your outpost. In small numbers, Zippers can deal decent damage. If your zippers are destroyed while defending, the Runners they spawn can run back into your outpost, allowing you to hold it for longer.
The projectiles fired by Zipper are very fast and decently accurate, making Zipper especially useful at defending against Infantry, and can be effective support to prevent light units from distracting your defending tanks. It's a cheaper, more mobile version of Gatty in a way.
- During the Alpha version, it was called a Bike.