AirMech Wiki

The fabled arms dealer Beppo deals in only the most powerful guns available in the post-War Wastes. The forces under his command benefit from his vast stores of advanced weaponry and are aggressive to a fault.


Release Date: May 3rd, 2013 (Beta Build 16891)

Slot: Pilot

Price: 900 Diamonds icon

Availability: Shop

Alternates: Beppo

In-game Hotlink: Ultimate Beppo


Similar and better than Beppo. Ultimate items cannot be used in PvP matches, unless it's a Ultimate match. If you start a PvP game with an Ultimate item, it will revert to its normal version (i.e. Ultimate Kira will revert to Beppo).


Similar and better than Beppo. Ultimate items cannot be used in PvP matches, unless it's a Ultimate match. If you start a PvP game with an Ultimate item, it will revert to its normal version (i.e. Ultimate Beppo will revert to Beppo).

