AirMech Wiki
Battle PvE - Overview


Battle PvE is a custom PvP map by areyouwhy. It is not a standard PvP map. The intended gameplay for Battle PvE is to behave like a competitive survival/horde PvE style map. Players can send waves of units to the enemy fort but cannot approach it.


Attack Lanes & Death Zones[]

Battle PvE - Death Zones + Attack Lanes

Team 1 (Left Side) Fortress illustrating death zones and attack lanes

Death Zones[]

Pylons with flashing lights indicate areas that players may not enter. If players cross the pylons, they will die.

Battle PvE - Death Zone Pylons

Crossing into these areas will result in death for your mech

Attack Lanes[]

Battle PvE - Attack Lanes

Map overview of attack lanes

The low ground lanes that have "ATTACK" signs lead to your enemy fort. Players should place units in that lane and use the Attack command to send a wave of units to their opponent. Each low ground corner leads to different sides of the enemy fort.

Battle PvE - Attack Lanes Zoomed

A closer look at attack lanes

The high ground is the portion that players need to defend. Not only will waves of Jackals attack on these high ground sides, but the opponents may send waves of attacking units as well.

An easy way to remember which area is which is to associate either grass or dirt with attacking or defending depending on your side of the map. On the LEFT side, you will always defend the grass and attack using the dirt. On the RIGHT side, you will always defend the dirt, and attack using the grass.

Neutral Field[]

Battle PvE - Neutral Elevator Spawns

Neutral Field with corresponding elevator identification

A neutral field exists in opposite corners to allow faster XP gain and access to more sockets.

The neutral fields have several elevators that spawn neutral units. Refer to the picture on the right for each elevator's neutral spawn timing.

  1. Creditbox every 30 seconds (worth 10,000 credits)
  2. Bucky every 30 seconds
  3. Armadillo every 30 seconds
  4. T45 every 30 seconds
  5. T99/Pepper every 30 seconds (alternates)
  6. Ratchet every 30 seconds
  7. Roller every 1 minute
  8. Gorgon every 2 minutes
  9. Devastator every 2 minutes

Note that new neutral units will not spawn unless the previous spawn is destroyed.

Jackal Attack Waves[]

Battle PvE - Jackal Attack Waves

Jackals will attack every 30 seconds - each wave sends more Jackals

Waves of Jackals will attack a random side of the fort every 30 seconds. It will start with 1 Jackal at 0:30 and the number of Jackals will increase by 1 each wave. A maximum of 20 Jackals will be reached at 10:00.

Sudden Death Mode[]

At 20:00, each Fortress will begin to automatically receive damage every 30 seconds. Damage dealt is dependent on upkeep. The more upkeep each team has, the more damage will be dealt. This is designed to force teams to push out their units in order to end the game.

Other Features[]

  • Income is artificially increased by +128 - equivalent to 2 outposts in 2v2/3v3
  • Upkeep is artificially increased by +84
  • Creep waves do not spawn (this does not prevent bot spawners from spawning creeps)
  • Heavy Mines are banned - when dropped, they disappear


  • Socketable units are essential, particularly Lunchbox, Moneymaker, and Whopper
  • Necro is also very useful on this map
  • Saucer can abduct neutral units
  • Bomber makes dealing with the Jackals much easier
  • Retrieving the Creditboxes is very important - Paladin/Osprey/Helix are good for this as well as Striker with Afterburners
  • Although you cannot cross the death zones, you can take advantage of "death cam" to scout the enemy fort. Whenever you die, you can freely move your player camera around the map. Although crossing the death zone means death, you can use your respawn time to view the enemy fort and its defenses.
  • Clearing the Neutral Field is very important in order to gain access to more sockets
  • A few offensive socketable units such as T99 can be socketed at the Neutral Field in order to help clear the neutral units that spawn frequently
  • In a 3v3, it is recommended to have one player dedicated to clearing the Neutral Field, one to defend, and one to support both efforts.