AirMech Wiki


Slot: Pet

Kudos Price: N/A Kudos Kudos

Diamond Price: N/A Diamonds Diamonds icon

Availability: Awarded to Tournament Participants that stayed around to the end

Alternate: Tournament Trophy

In-game Hotlink: Competitor's Badge

Previous Tournaments[]

Ls3 CompetitorBadge
  • AirMech Alpha 2v2 (hosted by Triplicity) (July 14th, 2012)
  • AirMech Beta 2v2 (hosted by McSploosh) (October 27th, 2012)
  • AirMech Open Beta 3v3 (Turkey Tournament, hosted by McSploosh) (November 24th, 2012)
  • AirMech Open Beta 3v3 (RivetingTV Winter 2012 Tournament) (December 29th, 2012)
  • AirMech Open Beta 2v2 (Fedcomp's Mini Tournament) (January 26th, 2013)
  • AirMech Open Beta 1v1 (ThyTombstone's 1v1 OUYA Tournament) (April 6th and 7th, 2013)
  • AirMech Open Beta 3v3 (RivetingTV Summer 2013 Tournament) (July 27th, 2013) {Pending}
  • AirMech Open Beta 2v2 (Grizzly Wing Double Kill Tournament) (March 29th, 2014)
  • AirMech Open Beta 3v3 (Grizzly Wing Full Force Tournament) (June 28th, 2014)
  • AirMech Open Beta 1v1 (Grizzly Wing Strike Down Tournament) (November 22nd, 2014)
  • AirMech Open Beta 2v2 (Exiled Court and Grizzly Wings Maelstrom Tournament) (June 9th, 2015)


Competitor's Badge N/A Kudos / N/A Diamonds icon
Tourney badge

Description: Competitor's Badge.

Given to all persevering combatants in any Carbon sponsorsed tournament, this emblem marks you as a gladiator of the finest caliber.

Attributes: N/A

